Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Hello, world

My name is Ruby and I'm a stay at home Mum in Melbourne's eastern suburbs. My husband is a teacher and I'm a qualified nurse but I can't do anything towards that at the moment because we have an Autistic son. He's three and he's low functioning and no one is helping us.

I think vaccines have something to do with Autism. What they contain is horrible. I don't accept this stuff about mercury because the vaccines that were given to my son didn't have any. I checked. I'm sure he reacted to the junk in the vaccines. But can the damage done be repaired? I'm not sure.

I've seen some people who are "out there". I am appalled at the way some Autistics who are treated so terribly. There's one person called Oliver Canby who I've been looking at for awhile. He's been bullied offline by somebody called Truthmeister, and they are telling such horrible stories about him that I can't believe is true. His blog is a call for help and he should be getting that help. He shouldn't be attacked like he is for wanting to be cured. I don't know if he can or he can't but I do know that bullying him isn't going to help him.

That's my two cents to start my blog.


  1. Oh so you're an anti vaxxer hey? Did you die your hair in your user pic because you're blond?

  2. You are a piece of work. Hey, don't you realize that ABC already has a Ruby. Well, they do. And we damn well don't need another one. The fact of the matter is Oliver Canby is a punk and a coward. He and Bitchell are kinda like the pledges for Omega in the movie Animal House. They get hit on the ass with injustice and they say "thank you sir, may I have another. Thank you sir, may I have another."

    He is a bigger moron than Dean Roethesberger, a prick that I've lost so much money on every time I bet for my home team. But the money I've lost on account of stupid Roethesberger is nowhere near the amount of dignity as an Autistic Person I've lost on account of the dumb things said by anti-vaccine people like you, Canby and Age Of Autism.

    You people disgust me. Yeah you have Freedom Of Speech, but there used to be a time when idiots like you would talk about believing such stupid things and Society would say "Well you have the right to believe what you want, but hey why don't you go stand in the corner and fumble with this rubik's cube for the rest of your life." The problem now is Society wastes so much time listening to all the morons who don't know anything, because of this idea that everybody has something useful to say. Well reality states that fuckheads like you don't have anything to say so please just stop talking.

  3. You need to listen to us because we have the children that need to be looked after, you bastard! Don't you care? All you people do is attack us! Why won't you help us? Our children have been broken by vaccines for God's sakes! What is wrong with you people!

    Oliver is not a moron. He is crying for help, and he should get it. All you are doing is pushing him further into the mud just for being who he is. There's no call for that at all.

    I am naturally brunette, Truthmeister.

  4. If your children need to be looked after do it right then got damnit! Get them services that will help them adapt and function in society. It is not impossible if you believe in your children. Holding onto bullshit science won't cure your child, it didn't cure my mother's son. Nothing will.

    The only things that will help your child will be love, faith in them, hard work, and seeking out adequate services for integration as a member of society. People like you fools damn well need to learn that for the betterment of all of us on the Spectrum and for everyone else in the Human Race.

  5. He's not crying for help, fat ass!

  6. How about you fucking debate properly, arsehole?

  7. How about you tie a noose properly and commence jerkin your gerkin. So that you can Inform us on how a loser with an unhealthy bone to pick goes bye bye birdy.

  8. Debating properly starts with the truth, Informer!

  9. Debating properly begins with admitting that people like my son need help, Truthmeister! People like Oliver need help! I would love to talk to him but you keep scaring him away from someone who cares about what he thinks and what he wants. That's more than I'll give you and your team of bullies!

  10. Well what's stopping you from helping your son, Fat Ass? The only help Oliver needs is a kick in the butt!

  11. People like you!! Stop trivialising Autism!!

  12. They are not trivialising Autism, madam. You are by claiming that vaccines are the cause of Autism. It is a well established fact that has not yet been contradicted that Autism is held to be genetic in origin. Either you or your husband have traits. You have to otherwise your son would not be Autistic.

    Your vaccine related claims over simplify a complicated condition, and your screams for help smack of a mother who is unable to cope with having an Autistic son. I suspect that you are seeking help where none exists, and you should be looking elsewhere such as with support services for not just your son but yourself and your husband as well.

  13. How dare you! Neither I nor my husband are Autistic! You bastard! There are NO support services. We are on our own, and you aren't helping with your horrible simplistic talk. There has to be a cure for the damage the vaccines have caused. There has to be! That's the contradiction you claim doesn't exist.

    You should stop with your analysis of Oliver. You're making him look like a malcontent who doesn't even have an issue except attitude. He's Autistic and he needs help, not abuse!

  14. There has been no vaccine damage relating to Autism, because there has been none proven. You need to prove that there has been damage and it was caused by vaccines. Until then, there is no contradiction.

    Oliver doesn't want to be helped as an Autistic.


  16. No thanks. You can't fully speak your mind in there and call out liars in your own way.
